Connecting Washington youth with special places in their backyard

We are 4 interns from the Student Conservation Association working with the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park in Seattle, WA. Our project is aimed at informing urban youth about the opportunities available for them in the National Parks and other cultural areas around Washington. We are especially focused on middle/high school students who are old enough to start being independent, but young enough that they may not have the means to coordinate large trips or outings without assistance.

Interns - Claire Parchem, Sophie Turnbull-Appell, Sarah Dunn, Natasha Way

Other Team Members - Kelseyanne Johnson, Leila Mirhaydari, Jimi Hightower

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wandering the Wing Luke

Artifacts displayed in an old hotel room
Today our four interns and a new volunteer, Jimi, ventured out for a tour of the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience and a discussion with the Education Coordinator at the museum.

Wing Chong Luke himself was the first Asian American to hold elected office in the state of Washington and was a crucial part of the passing of an Open Housing Ordinance in Seattle in 1963 that had provisions against racial discrimination in the selling/renting of real estate. We toured the museum which skillfully recreated a hotel which many immigrants new to Seattle stayed in. After learning a great deal about Wing Luke the plight of the Asian Pacific Americans and their role in Seattle history, we learned about the fabulous opportunities for middle schoolers and high schoolers at the Wing.

Self portraits by students at SGS
Middle schoolers at the Seattle Girl's School got to work with the Wing to express themselves artistically. Their work is displayed in the museum for visitors to view. The program was extra awesome because it was focused on getting middle school girls to feel more independent and express the things about themselves that they felt were important for their personal identity. At an age when they are starting to feel more grown-up, yet they still depend on their parents for most everything, it is important to have ways to express independence and a more mature personality.


Handmade mahjong set
For high schoolers, the opportunity doesn't necessarily come into their schools and fall into their laps. However, the Wing has a fabulous program called YouthCAN for Asian Pacific American high school students to work on art and leadership while exploring their heritage and working on hands-on community involvement projects. Even better, they offer two paid positions called YouthLeads. These students get hired to lead the YouthCAN program and help shape the projects each year. They get really good professional experience and a wonderful position to put on their resume while also getting paid! For this position, the Wing relies on word of mouth so that students who are involved already get more opportunity to score this sweet job.

The Wing is located in the heart of the International District so its a great place to visit after sampling some yummy food.

Getting there by bus from:

Klondike Gold Rush NHP: walk (it’s only a couple of blocks)
Ballard: 18 or 40
West Seattle: C line to either the 41, 71, 72, 73, 76, 101, 106, 150, 255
Capitol Hill: 9 or 49
Columbia City: 7 or Link light rail
Bellevue: 271 to 550, or 240 to 550

$1.25-$2.50 (bus), $12.95 admission or $9.95 for students 13-18 (includes tour of historic hotel)

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